Hey everyone! Welcome to my photography blog! You guys might know me from my Freerange Stock photos , although I also have a Tumblr , so be sure to check that out. On Freerange Stock you can find all kinds of cool pictures that, although still copyrighted, they are free AND royalty free, meaning you can use those pictures for free in academic, professional, non-profit, marketing ads, articles... Well you get the idea: " You can do nearly anything with the images, commercial or not. " - Freerange's Stock License The idea behind it is that both the website and the photographers get ad revenue, however, when you are a small, "indie", a photographer like I am, you don't get as many views, still, I decided to make my photography a more active part in my life. I'm starting this blog, thinking about starting a patreon page . I love taking pictures (it's not a hobby, it's a passion), especially of objects, I feel like they capture a sort of b...